ニューヨークを拠点とする、精製糖不使用で高品質な原料を使用したヴィーガンアイスクリームブランド「Made this 4u」のロゴ、各フレーバーのキャラクターイラスト等を担当いたしました。
I was responsible for the logo design of the vegan ice cream brand 'Made this 4u,' which is based in New York and uses high-quality ingredients without refined sugar. I also created character illustrations for each flavor.The above is a portion of the rough draft that was initially provided upon request. From here, we refined it, resulting in the final design as shown below.

In the logo design, I incorporated illustrations of the two of you, who make the ice cream, and your beloved cat, forming alphabets with illustrations. Additionally, I infused each letter with motifs representing 'gratitude, love, and care' when giving gifts to loved ones.I aimed for a design that feels handmade yet refined.I illustrated each flavor assuming it's prepared by a cat chef. I decided on the type of cat based on the colors and atmosphere associated with each flavor, and accompanied them with respective fruits or plants.These are intended for future use in packaging, menus, and other materials. *All ice cream photos are for illustrative purposes and may differ from actual products.

Thank you!