Samantha Beauty Projectより発売された
ツインマイナスイオン リセット & デトックス ブラシ ”Readey-リアデイ-”のラッピングペーパーに使用されるアート作成を担当しました。
From the copy "Beauty overflowing from the outside and inside for everyone." and "If there were a brush that could instantly create an experience where everyone feels like themselves, beautiful, and attracts confidence.", I illustrated the images that came to mind.
The illustrations depict people shining with hair styling, makeup, accessories, and sparkling sweet treats.

(左から)リアデイが花びらの形に見える事、5色のバリエーションがある事、これらから架空の5種類の花を用いたデザイン | お誕生日の方へ向けてギフト包装デザイン | 「気分もリフレッシュしてくれる新感覚のブラシです。」というコピーからイメージした夢のような世界にいるデザイン
From left to right
Design incorporating five imaginary flowers based on the fact that Readey resembles petals and comes in five color variations.
Packaging design aimed at those considering gifts for birthday celebrants.
A design inspired by the dreamlike world imagined from the copy "A brush that also refreshes your mood, offering a new sensation.

The following is the design for the 2023 Christmas limited edition wrapping.

Thank you!